Combat acne on several fronts
Acne & Acne Scars
Acne can be caused by several factors so we offer a variety of treatment options to find the best solution for your skin.
Acne | Severe Acne Scars | Stubborn Acne
Acne Treatments
Acne can be an embarrassing skin condition for all ages and may continue throughout adulthood. New advances in medical and laser treatments can provide significant reduction in acne outbreaks and scarring. Each patient has different needs, so we offer a variety of treatments to address your unique skin type and goals. During your consultation, we'll discuss your medical history and skin concerns to recommend the best treatment option to achieve your goals.

Sciton BBL Forever Clear®
We offer a wide range of Sciton laser therapies that can help patients who experience persistent acne blemishes or acne scarring. Skin resurfacing with Sciton MicroLaserPeel or Broadband Light (BBL) Forever Clear® Treatment maybe recommended depending on your symptoms and treatment preferences. The BBL Forever Clear® Treatment kills bacteria and shrinks sebaceous glands which reduces sebum production which clogs follicles and causes pimples. Regular treatments heat the sebaceous glands in the upper layers of the skin reducing oil production and active acne.

Medical Grade Facials
Medical-grade facials are treatments used to exfoliate, reduce breakouts and provide a smoother more even skin textures. They are non-invasive treatments that use chemical solutions to exfoliate the uppermost layers of skin, revealing new, healthier skin underneath. Skin is left renewed and glowing. We can customize peels to your unique skin care concerns.

Silkro Radiofrequency (RF) Microneedling
Silkro's RF Microneedling combines traditional microneedling with RF energy for rejuvenated skin with minimal downtime. Silkro's RF Microneedling laser emits RF energy through tiny needles which create miniscule injuries to the skin. These controlled wounds trigger the bodies natural healing, resulting in the production of new collagen and elastin. This can help improve the appearance of acne scars and is more effective on broader acne scars rather than narrow, deeper scars. Treatments scheduled over a period of several months can fade acne scars by stimulating collagen and skin regeneration.

Patient #1
Silkro RF Microneedling to reduce acne scars. Sciton BBL Forever Clear® treatments to reduce acne breakouts.

Patient #2
Sciton Forever Clear® ProFractional Combo.

Patient #3
Silkro RF Microneedling to reduce acne scars.